Residential Small AreaHigh Power Modules

The Benefits of Solar Panels

KANEKA 48-cell PV module provides high PV power generation even with limited space. It helps to reduce carbon footprint by delivering green energy supply to residential houses.

Higher Output for Smaller Roofs

KANEKA 48-cell PV modules are smaller than standard 60-cell PV modules widely available today. On small roofs or roofs with limited space by top lights, and/or dormers, 48-cell modules can provide up to 98% more power comparing to standard 60-cell PV modules.

Large panels on small roofs


wasted space

Small panels


more energy per surface area

Lower Cost per kWh

Self-consumption of PV power generation can save on electricity bill from the grid.

Helps the Environment

PV power generation contributes carbon neutrality without green house gas emission.

Stimulates the Local Economy

Installation and maintaining of PV system creates local jobs and added value to local communities.

Low Risk Investment

Low risk investment supported by high quality and 25-year linear output warranty, not less than 80.2% at year 25th.